
The group aims to teach basic boxing techniques and skills. Clients can be new or experienced to join in this group.
Boxing is fantastic for cardiorespiratory fitness, coordination, upper limb strength and endurance as well as core strength.
Clients just need to be able to participate in a group setting and have upper limb function to attempt boxing. Clients can be ambulant or non-ambulant to participate.

Our next sessions are:


Friday 10 January and Friday 17 January 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm


Age group:

Group 1: Primary | Group 2: Adolescent


Boxing sessions for Elizabeth are run at John McVeity Centre, 182 Peachey Rd, Smithfield Plains. Parents/caregivers will be required to stay at John McVeity Centre.
Boxing sessions for Modbury are run at Turramurra Recreation Centre, 1000 Lower North East Rd, Highbury. Parents and caregivers are welcome to stay, though their presence is not required. In such cases, we kindly request that you complete the "Child Minding Consent Form."

What to bring:
Comfortable clothes & sneakers, a hand towel and water bottle


$$74.90 per hour *pricing is subject to change.


Phone: 1300 668 482