How to get
Living (SIL)

Are you SIL ready?

Find out now!

Most people who receive SIL funding either live in a shared living or supported accommodation setting, or have Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) funding.

Since in introduction of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), SIL funding has been available more widely to people in different kinds of settings, such as NDIS participants who are living in their own homes or sharing, and need a high level of one-to-one support.

SIL Information Pack

What is Supported Independent Living (SIL) exactly, and how do you get funding through the NDIS? We tell you how!

Experience the power of independence! Discover the joys of living on your own terms and unleash your true potential.

This information pack is filled with a wealth of knowledge, tips, and strategies for SIL. It covers a wide range of topics, including housing options, financial management, daily living skills, social integration, and much more. By downloading it, you’ll gain access to a comprehensive toolkit that can guide them through various aspects of independent living.

Your journey towards independence starts here!

Applying for SIL Funding as an NDIS Participant

Setting your accommodation goal

When you’ve decided to move out of home or change your current living situation, you need to let the NDIS know. You do this by putting a new accommodation goal into your next NDIS plan.

An example of this could be – ‘I want to explore suitable housing options in Murray Bridge so I can live independently in the community.’

With this goal in your next NDIS support plan, you will be able to get some extra funding to support your search.

Finding a Support Coordinator to assist you with your SIL Funding Application

When you get your new plan, you’ll see that you have money to look for housing options. If you don’t already have someone to help you, you can use this money to hire a Support Coordinator. They will help you find different housing options and organise assessments that the NDIS needs to see what kind of support you need at home. 

If you would like, Novita can provide Support Coordination. Call us on 1300 668 482 now or email [email protected] to enquire.  

Review Housing Options and different SIL providers in your area

Here’s the fun part. It’s time to shop around and look at what types of housing and in-home support are available in your area. If you don’t know where to begin, you could start by checking the Housing Hub website which connects people with disabilities with a broad range of housing options, or visiting the Novita Housing website.

Once you know what kind of housing you want, you can start looking for SIL providers in your area. If you want to live in a group home, you have to go with the SIL provider that runs that home. If you’re moving into special disability accommodation (SDA), there are different ways you can get in-home support.

Your accommodation provider might work with a specific disability organisation that provides SIL, or they might offer SIL themselves. Or you might have the choice to pick a SIL provider on your own if you want to live in your own home or rent privately.

Complete the required paperwork

After you’ve explored your options and made a decision, your Support Coordinator will help you connect with your chosen SIL provider. You’ll meet with them, along with your family or other important people in your life, and talk about the support you need throughout the week, on weekends, and overnight. The SIL provider will make a list of the support you need and give you a quote to give to the NDIS.

It’s important to ask the SIL provider how you will pay for things like rent, food, and other expenses. Also, find out how they will help you settle into your new place and how long it will take. Your Support Coordinator will gather all the paperwork and submit it to the NDIS for review.

The NDIS will look at your application to see if the support you’re asking for is reasonable and necessary. They may talk to the SIL provider to get more information. It might take some time before the NDIS gives you an answer. If they say yes, great! You’re on your way to independent living. If they say no, you can ask for a review and provide more information to make a stronger case. Your Support Coordinator can help you with this.

Are you SIL ready? Find out now!

Getting SIL funding can be a challenging process, but it can make a big difference in your life.

If you want to know if you’re ready for SIL, you can take a short assessment to find out.

Alternatively, book a free one-on-one consultation and we can walk you through the application process.

If you would like information or a confidential chat about Supported Independent Living, speak to someone in our friendly team on 1300 668 482 or email [email protected]