School Leavers Employment Supports (SLES) | Novita

School Leavers Employment Supports (SLES)

If you’re a young person living with disability, having a job can make all the difference. It can give you independence and financial security, it can help you connect with the community and make new friends, and it can support you to live a normal life.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme’s School Leavers Employment Supports (SLES) can support young people to meet the challenges of moving from school to the workforce through programs such as Novita’s Transition to Work.


What is SLES?

SLES supports National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants who are Year 12 school leavers to transition from school to a job through work experience and the development of important skills, such as communication and travel skills.

The aims of SLES include:

  • supporting school leavers to find sustainable long-term employment
  • building important skills
  • increasing confidence and career aspirations
  • partnering with education to support the pathway from school to work
  • engaging providers who understand the needs of employers and are willing to innovate
  • supporting school leavers to be informed about the choice and control they have over their services.


How does it work?

SLES annual funding of up to $21,000 is available for NDIS participants who are Year 12 school leavers and have been assessed as being ineligible for, or are unlikely to meet the requirements for, NDIS Disability Employment Services (DES) support.

(DES eligibility requires a person to be able to undertake – now or with two years – eight hours or more of work per week in open employment, with approved DES supports.)

The SLES funding is available for up to two years. Participants can use the funding for tailored activities to support them to achieve their employment goals, including:

  • work experience in open employment
  • job site training
  • travel training.

They can discuss with their Local Area Coordinator or Support Coordinator the options for the types of support they need through SLES.

Novita is a registered provider of SLES through our Transition to Work program, which means SLES funding can be used to join the program.


What is Novita’s Transition to Work program?

The pathway from school to a job can be a challenge for school leavers living with disability, so Novita has designed the Transition to Work program to support young people to gain the work experience and skills they need to be ready to join the workforce.

Transition to Work supports NDIS participants who are school leavers to develop a core set of skills that employers are looking for, including:

  • communication
  • social skills
  • customer service
  • time management
  • numeracy and literacy
  • appropriate workplace behaviour
  • interview skills and preparing a CV
  • personal grooming and care.

Because Novita is a registered provider of SLES, NDIS participants accessing SLES support can use that funding to pay for Novita’s Transition to Work program.


Why choose Novita’s Transition to Work program?

Novita is South Australia’s largest and most respected community-based disability service and support organisation providing child development, rehabilitation, and services and supports for people living with disability.

The Transition to Work program is an example of Novita’s commitment to achieving the best outcomes for people living with disability. The program is delivered by qualified teachers, therapists, and support workers who will make sure program participants get the best possible advice, training, and support.


Further information

You can find out more about SLES.

If you would like to talk to Novita about the Transition to Work program, or you would like to enrol, call 1300 668 482.

You can also make an inquiry about Transition to Work.