Finishing school is a big moment in every teen’s life. They will feel a sense of achievement that they made it through to their graduation and a sense of freedom as they embark on the next chapter in their lives. Some teens, and their parents, will feel especially proud if they’ve spent extra time completing their senior years over an extended period because of the disability they live.
There will be lots of decisions to make about what to do next and what options are available to them. These are some of the things your teen might want to consider:
- undertaking internships, traineeships or work placement
- applying for further education at university or technical college
- volunteering
- going straight into full time or part time employment in the private sector
- employment in a supported environment (where does Novita stand on BSWAT and sheltered workshops?)
- pursuing a trade
- signing up for day activities at a centre in the community (what is Novita’s stance on day options for adults living with disability?)
- getting involved in the community through sport, recreation, the arts and other programs
- moving out of home into a share house, independent living or supported accommodation (what is Novita’s stance on supported accommodation, social housing and SDA for adults living with disability?)
Whatever it is your teen decides to do next, Novita can support them to achieve it. These are some of the things we can help with:
- becoming independent
- using public transport
- learning to drive and getting their driver’s licence
- moving out of home and maintaining a home
- being safe at home, at work and in the community
- assisting with reasonable accommodations in the workplace
- managing their support workers
- shopping and budgeting
- looking after themselves
- making friends and socialising
If you’re a parent, or a teen, and would like advice or support with any of these things, have a chat to a friendly Novita therapist on 1300 NOVITA.