Helpful Information
Coronavirus (COVID-19): Important information regarding Novita Bingo
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Changes to Novita Bingo
The safety and wellbeing of all our Bingo patrons and staff is our primary focus and we understand that the coronavirus, or COVID-19 as it has been named by the World Health Organisation, is causing concern for many people.
As a result of the announcement made by the Prime Minister on 22 March all Novita Bingo sessions have been suspended until further notice.
As new information and/or changes come to light relating to COVID-19, which may affect Novita Bingo patrons, we will provide all necessary updates to the community in order to keep Novita Bingo patrons informed. Stay tuned to Novita Bingo Facebook page and website for the latest update.
What is Novita doing to prevent the spread of the virus?
The safety and welfare of our clients, families, Bingo patrons and staff are our primary focus, so we are closely watching local, national and international developments regarding COVID-19.
A COVID-19 working group consisting of senior Novita staff is meeting regularly to monitor and respond to developments, and we are following the recommendations of the Australian Government and the Department of Health to take all the steps necessary to protect the Novita community.
We have advised all our clients that they should contact us before accessing any of our services locations if they, or a family member or carer, are feeling unwell, and that they should seek an immediate medical assessment.
We have implemented a range of infection control measures such as providing alcohol-based hand rub and have distributed information about correct handwashing techniques. We have also increased cleaning at our hubs.
For more information on how to contact Novita visit our website.
Basic protective measures against COVID-19 from the World Health Organisation
The best way to protect yourself against COVID-19 is to regularly wash your hands with soap and water, or use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser.
You should also cover your coughs and sneezes with your elbow or a tissue, and if you use a tissue dispose of it immediately.
Regularly cleaning surfaces can also help to prevent the spread of the virus.
Maintain a social distance of at least 1.5 metres between yourself and anyone else.
Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth as hands used to touch many surfaces can pick up viruses and once contaminated can transfer into your and make you sick.
Avoiding handshakes and unnecessary contact can also help to protect you.
The safety and wellbeing of our clients, their families and carers, is of paramount importance to us. For the latest information on Coronavirus (COVID-19), what you can do to prevent the spread of the virus, and how this may impact your supports or services, please visit our COVID-19 webpage.