Helpful Information
Tips for a less stressful back-to-school
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It’s back-to-school time for thousands of kids throughout South Australia. This can often be a stressful time for kids and families, especially if your child is starting school for the first time, or might be starting at a new school.
The team at Novita and the Australian parenting website have some useful tips that might help families to experience a rewarding and less stressful return to school – and preparation is the key!
One or two days before the first day at school make sure your child has everything they will need ready to go into their school bag, including:
- lunch box
- hat
- water bottle
- spare underwear and clothing.
Kids will experience a range of back to school emotions – from excitement to anxiety. Lots of love and support, and positive messages about how well you’ll think your child will do at school can help to manage the emotions.
A consistent before-school routine for your child and family – including breakfast and preparing for school – is important to make sure your child and all members of your family have a positive start to the day.
An evening routine is also a good idea. Each night before bed let your child help you lay out the next day’s clothes or uniform and shoes so that they know the next day is a school day.
On the first day back, and for the first week back, dropping off your child at school well before the morning bell rings can help to avoid anxiety. Collecting your child on time after school can also help to avoid your child feeling anxious.
Your child may also need support once the new school year has started. You could make after-school time special with a snack or some time to chat about their day. Be patient with your child if they want to tell you every detail of their day, or if they don’t want to talk about it at all.
It’s also quite possible your child could become quite tired after the first few days back at school. Other kids might be full of energy. It’s best to gauge your child’s energy levels before undertaking after-school activities.
Good luck!
You can find more great information and tips at