Novita’s Community Options Parent Engagement (COPE) program offers 4 different supported and interactive groups for families to access weekly sessions with the support of our knowledgeable and experienced staff in a non-judgmental and inclusive environment that supports all members of the family thrive. They are:
Male role models and dad’s group
A group for male role models or dads to spend quality time with their kids doing a range of activities including coffee catch-ups, movie days, social outings, building projects, and mini-Olympics.
More about Dad’s Group
Mobile Toy Library
A program that brings Novita’s suite of resources to you! An in-home service with a great range of resources to support children to learn and grow through play and for parents and caregivers to develop knowledge, confidence, and skills to connect with kids in a fun interactive way.
More about Toy Library
Supported Playgroups
Young families can use this program as a platform to make friends and connect with other families and their community whilst having a fun, play focused approach that kids will love!
More about Playgroups
Parent Education and Skills
Parenting workshops, courses, and seminars based on community needs. Topics may include Child development, behaviour support, mental health, and health and nutrition. These programs take place from Bagster Road Community Centre and Parafield Gardens Children’s Centre.
Enquire Now for Workshop Dates