Bike Skills

An hour and a half of bike riding to progress skills from no bike skills at all through to off of training wheels. Group members are guided through the skills to support them to ride their bike, whilst gaining practice getting on and off the bike, as well as listening and working together, engaging in fun games and activities.

The session is broken up with movement and sensory breaks allowing group members to remain regulated and engaged in their social learning.

Our next sessions are:


Age group:

Age: Early & Primary


Bike skills sessions for Modbury are run at the Burragah Recreation Centre, 140 Kelly Rd, Modbury North

Suitable for clients who:
• Parent/carers required to stay for group and physically capable of engaging and help child.
• Able to understand/follow instructions and comply with instructions.
• NDIS goal around gross motor skills, recreational participation or social engagement/development.
• No physical impairment that would limit ability to progress to 2-wheel bike. If they do, please refer to bike assessment clinic.
• No prior bike riding experience necessary or some experience but challenges with progression
• Access to suitably size bike with or without training wheels OR If this is not possible, group facilitators may be able to arrange loan bikes from Novita STL, TADSA or other community group.
• Child motivated to learn to ride bike and improve bike skills.
• Ideally available to attend all sessions.

What to bring to group:
Suitable bike OR advise if needing to access a loan bike
Water bottle


$74.90 per hour *pricing is subject to change.


Phone: 1300 668 482