Yoga for Kids is a fun group led by a Novita therapist.
This group incorporates yoga movement, poses and games, relaxation and breathing techniques for kids to do on their own, with a partner and in a group.
With a focus on self-regulation, coordination and movement skills, this group is great for most kids. Kids with a physical disability, autism spectrum disorder and developmental delay have benefitted from this group and had heaps of fun!
But it is not just for kids! Yoga for Kids is also a great place for parents to get together and network or even join in for a pose or two!
Our next sessions are:
Age group:
To gain most from the group children need to be able to:
- follow directions and routine
- enjoy playing games with other children
- able to independently get up and down from the floor
If your child has not been seen by a therapist, a pre-assessment may be required to determine if further support is required for the child to be involved in the group.
$74.90 *pricing is subject to change.
Phone: 1300 668 482