Lucy the mermaid loves school
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Novita kid Lucy started school last year, and has already made some good friends.
“She’s in Year 1 this year and loves it. Our local primary school has really embraced her, and is very supportive of her needs. Everyone at the school seems to know her,” says Edel, Lucy’s mum.
Seven-year-old Lucy lives with undiagnosed craniofacial syndrome, global delay, and bilateral deafness, and works hard to meet the challenges of her disability.
Lucy and her family are great supporters of Novita, and she would be familiar to many members of the Novita community through her roles as an ambassador for our annual Melbourne Cup luncheon and Christmas Appeal.
She has now jumped on-board as a new ambassador for Novita’s floating fundraiser, the Mighty River Run. The 15th annual event begins at Mannum on Sunday 7 November, and Lucy is set to be one of the stars of the Mighty River Run’s client day at Loxton on Thursday 11 November.
Edel says Lucy is currently receiving physiotherapy and hydrotherapy services from the team at Novita Health’s Welland hub.
“She loves the pool – she’s a mermaid. She’s also a bit of a daredevil. Her poor physiotherapist, he has to keep a close eye on her,” she says.
“They’re doing a lot of muscle strength work. Lucy has low muscle tone and she struggles to swim normally while keeping her head above water. She has to work harder to do most things that require muscles.
“She just got a new bike, and she struggles to push the pedals, so the team at Welland is working on her muscle strength so that we can get Lucy riding her bike well.
“Lucy is very bubbly and enjoys life to the full. I don’t think there is anything that she won’t achieve if she wants to. She has a great mindset for trying anything and getting stuck in.”
Edel says Lucy’s brother Lachy is one of her biggest fans.
“He’s just started in year 4 at school, and has started playing the clarinet, which Lucy is really excited about. So he shares his clarinet with her. He’s the most adorable big brother – he really dotes on her and lets her get away with murder,” says Edel.
“Lucy loves music – loves dancing and singing songs. Anything to do with music she loves.”
You can find out more about Novita’s Mighty River Run at: