Celebrating World Cerebral Palsy Day

Friday 6 October 2017 is World Cerebral Palsy Day!
The day was launched in 2012 by the Cerebral Palsy Alliance in Australia, and an American organisation, called United Cerebral Palsy.
It’s an opportunity for people to celebrate, recognise and raise awareness of the lives of people living with cerebral palsy (CP).
The aim of the day is to ensure kids, teens and adults living with cerebral palsy have the same access to opportunities as anyone else in their family and community.
CP is the most common physical disability in childhood caused by an injury to the developing brain before, during or after birth.
It primarily affects movement and posture, but people with CP may also live with visual, hearing, learning, speech, and intellectual impairments, and epilepsy.
The average age of diagnosis of CP can be as late as 18-19 months of age. However, in the future there will be international, clinical evidence-based guidelines that will help to identify babies who are considered at “high risk of CP”, as early as 3-5 months of age. This diagnosis may assist babies, children and families to access valuable early intervention services and potentially achieve better outcomes.
Right now, researchers in Australia and across the world are exploring the cause of CP. They’ve found that there are a number of factors that may lead to a sequence of events, which combine to cause or accelerate injury to the developing brain.
There has also been an increase in learnings about the neuroplasticity of a child’s developing brain – this means the brain’s ability to change and adapt from injuries, like the ones that cause CP. Recent research supports the need for early diagnosis and intervention to support people living with CP to reach their full potential.
You can access some great infographics about CP on the World Cerebral Palsy Day website.
Want more?
Novita has many therapists who specialise in supporting young people living with CP, including occupational therapists, physiotherapists, psychologists, social workers, educators and speech pathologists.
We can support you, or your child, with motor skills, mobility, communication, family support, daily routines, self-care, and much more. We can also provide assessments, early intervention and transition support from preschool to school and equipment.
If you would like more information or free advice, speak to someone in our friendly team on 1300 668 482.